Adresa: str.Soimului nr 11
Repere: In spatele pensiunii Margaritar cartier Zamora
Cand vrei sa cuprinzi cu ochii doar orizontul deschis, cerul si muntele. Sa simti numai mirosul ierbii, al lemnului sau una dintre cele mai subtile arome de vin. Daca vrei sa-ti auzi doar gandurile si, cand se insereaza, pe ale prietenilor adunati in jurul aceleiasi mese. Cand nu exista alt timp decat cel pe care ti-l acorzi tie.
Bine ai venit in Vila Leonida, o casa respirand atmosfera anilor 30'-40' in mijlocul unui cadru de o frumusete naturala fara timp.
Asezata in mijlocul vechiului cartier Zamora din Poiana Tapului, la cativa kilometri de toate partiile din Valea Prahovei si de orasul Busteni, Vila Leonida este un pretext elegant de respiro, fie ca iti doresti doar cateva momente de contemplatie, un pahar de vin intr-o companie placuta sau plimbari pe solicitante trasee de munte.
Apartinand, in prima instanta, generalului Paul Leonida, membru marcant al unei familii cu influente puternice in viata romaneasca din perioada interbelica, Vila Leonida se pastreaza deschisa celor care, avand o viziune generoasa asupra lumii, apreciaza armonia simpla si eleganta a diverselor ei elemente.
When all you want your eyes to cover are the open horizon, the sky and the mountain. To feel only the smell of grass, wood or one of the most subtle wine aromas. If you only want to hear your thoughts and, at down, those of your friends sitting with you at the same table. When there is no other time than time for yourself.
Welcome to Vila Leonida, a house breathing the atmosphere of years 30'-40' within a landscape of timeless natural beauty. At the center of the old Zamora neighborhood in Poiana Tapului, only some kilometers away from the ski paths in Valea Prahovei and Busteni, Vila Leonida is an elegant respiro pretext, if you only wish for some moments of contemplation, a glass of wine in a pleasant company or walks on intense mountain paths. Owned, in the first place, by general Paul Leonida, remarkable member of a family with strong influences in the Romanian interwar life, Vila Leonida still keeps itself open to those who, having a generous vision upon the world, appreciate the simple and elegant harmony of its' diverse elements.
Vinuri alese nu pot insoti decat cele mai alese mancaruri.
Inspirata din traditia zonei si din gastronomia internationala, bucataria Vilei Leonida
respecta si rasfata apetitul cel mai simplu, dar si pe cel mai sofisticat.
Well chosen wine can only accompany exquisite food.
Inspired both from the tradition in the area and the international cuisine,
dishes at Vila Leonida respect and delight the simple, as well as the sophisticated appetite.
Perioada | Tarif/noapte | Camera | Masa | |
08.10.2012-30.11.2012 | 200 RON /camera | single | mic dejun inclus | |
08.10.2012-30.11.2012 | 255 RON /camera | double | mic dejun inclus | |
08.10.2012-30.11.2012 | 280 RON /camera | double cu pat matrimonial | mic dejun inclus |
Detalii tarif:
GARSONIERA - 300RON APARTAMENT - 350RONMii de oferte de vacanță publicate de agențiile de turism partenere:
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